What is Pathways in Technology Early College High School (P-TECH)
P-TECH is a new type of school that brings together the best elements of high school, college and the professional world. Offered at Frederick High, it is a model that allows students to earn a high school diploma, as well as a no-cost Associate degree focusing on biochemistry from Aims Community College. This program includes significant mentorship and internship opportunities with our industry partners Agilent Technologies, KBI Biopharma, AGC Biologics, and Corden Pharma, giving students a head start on their careers after completing the program. Students enroll in 9th grade and complete the program in 4-6 years.
Earn an Associate Degree Focusing on Biochemistry (at no cost to the student)
Starting in 2019 at Frederick High School, working with Aims Community College and Northern Colorado Bioscience and Pharmaceutical companies, St. Vrain Valley Schools will offer students the opportunity to graduate with a high school diploma and Associate of General Studies (AGS) degree in 4-6 years. P-TECH will initially offer a pathway in bio-chemistry and the district will support concurrent enrollment during grades 9-12. Students can receive dual credit from St. Vrain and Aims. Along with college courses, students will receive mentorships and internships through Agilent Technologies, KBI Biopharma, Corden Pharma and Umoja Biopharma to provide real-world experiences to supplement their academic coursework. Students must apply for the P-TECH program and will begin coursework in the 9th grade. For 2025-2026, there are 35 spots available in the P-TECH program at Frederick.
Preparing Students for 21st Century Careers
- Frederick High’s P-TECH will focus on a biochemistry pathway, providing a foundation for careers in the medical and pharmaceutical industries.
- P-TECH students will be allowed to matriculate through the 14th grade.
- Students in P-TECH will graduate with a high school diploma and an associate degree from Aims Community College.
- P-TECH students will also receive mentorship and internship opportunities with our partner companies listed above.
- SVVSD, Aims, Agilent, KBI, Corden and Umoja will work together to align the curriculum to meet the skills needed for the medical and pharmaceutical industries and identify pathways to completion of a 4-year degree at Colorado colleges.
APPLICATION OPEN NOVEMBER 11, 2024 through DECEMBER 15, 2024 for the 2025-26 school year.