Wellness, Culture, and Safety Inventory

Dear Parents and Guardians: 

We thank you and your family for being our valued partners as we work together to educate our children. Ongoing feedback is important as we strive to maintain a positive school culture where students thrive and succeed. 

In order to learn more about the climate within St. Vrain Valley Schools, every high school will begin gathering student feedback via an online questionnaire called the Wellness, Culture and Safety Inventory (WCSI). The WCSI will be administered on days/times determined by each school. The window for survey administration is December 2-20, 2024.

The inventory takes approximately 30 minutes to complete and focuses on student well-being and issues that impact academic performance and success. Students and parents who choose not to participate may complete a non-participant form at stvra.in/wcsiopt.

We strive to maintain a positive learning culture where students thrive and succeed and hope students will share their perceptions and experiences so we can continually improve. 

For additional information about the inventory and sample questions, please visit the district website at svvsd.org/wcsi

If you have any questions about the inventory, please do not hesitate to contact your school principal or Johnny Terrell, Assistant Superintendent of Student Services, at Terrell_Johnny@svvsd.org or 303-702-7859. 

We thank you in advance for your continued support. 

Thank you, 
Department of Student Services
St. Vrain Valley Schools

Frederick High School