It is SVVSD’s philosophy that students with disabilities should be educated with their peers in their neighborhood school unless their needs are better addressed through a more specialized educational environment. St. Vrain offers a continuum of services delivered by special education staff members ranging from consultation with regular education teachers to varying amounts of direct services to students with disabilities depending on need. These support services are provided through building level special education staff and itinerated related service providers (i.e. speech/language, occupational therapists, etc.)
Special Education

Special Education
Recent News
Take a look at some of our recent news.
Doing Democracy Day 2025 Unites Students for Community Impact
The Doing Democracy Day event kicked off on Thursday, March 6 with students from local high schools coming together to discuss complex issues such as cell phone bans, affordable housing, a $20 minimum wage, and more. This multi-community, multi-school event presented students with the opportunity to research these issues, craft solutions, and present their ideas […]
From Classrooms to Careers: The P-TECH Advantage
The moment is thrilling: high school seniors standing at the edge of the stage, their eyes set on the long-awaited moment when they’ll cross and receive their diplomas — a symbol of countless hours of perseverance, dedication, and growth. In the Spring of 2024, 44 Pathways in Technology Early College High School (P-TECH) students crossed […]
Parent University Session, February 20
St. Vrain’s Parent University program provides training, information, and resources to parents and caregivers in order to support the well-being and success of their children. All spring sessions are from 5 p.m. – 6:30 p.m. and will be held virtually. Spanish translation services will be available. Join us on Zoom, Feb. 20 from 5-6:30 p.m.Adolescent […]